You found a Natureroo Patch

Natureroo woven iron-on patch – Front

Natureroo woven iron-on patch – Back, iron-on side. 

Congratulations on finding the Natureroo iron-on patch! We find that the patches work great on t-shirts, polo shirts, backpacks, hats and pants!   You can even stitch them on, if you are good with a sewing machine.  Or use them as a sticker by putting some double-sided tape on them.   I think they turned out fantastic!


If you are already a subscriber to our YouTube channel, thank you! If you’re new, please visit our channel. You can find the iron-on instructions below. We hope you’ll take pride in displaying the Natureroo colours!


Tweet/X message us if you have found a patch set in the wild at @NatureROO



Iron-on Instructions

Be vary cautious when using a hot iron

Step One

Lay the clean garment on a flat surface.

Step Two

Turn the iron on. Ensure steam is off with no water in the iron. Set the temperature to the right fabric setting. For example, if you are placing the patch on a cotton shirt, set iron to cotton. Check garment label for ironing details.

Step 3 Three

Pre-heat desired area then place the patch (facing up) onto the garment where desired. Place a thin (cotton) cloth over the patch area.

Step Four

Apply pressure with the iron in circular motions for 30-60 seconds over the patch area to ensure adhesion. Allow the patch to cool.

Step Five

Flip the garment inside-out, apply direct heat (or place a thin cloth over it to avoid a burnt effect on your garment before applying heat) with the iron onto the areas until adhered. Once again, allow the patch to cool.

Step Six

Check if the patch has adhered completely. (Repeat steps 4-6 if necessary).