You found a Natureroo Patch

Natureroo woven iron-on patch – Front

Natureroo woven iron-on patch – Back, iron-on side.
Congratulations on finding the Natureroo iron-on patch! We find that the patches work great on t-shirts, polo shirts, backpacks, hats and pants! You can even stitch them on, if you are good with a sewing machine. Or use them as a sticker by putting some double-sided tape on them. I think they turned out fantastic!
If you are already a subscriber to our YouTube channel, thank you! If you’re new, please visit our channel. You can find the iron-on instructions below. We hope you’ll take pride in displaying the Natureroo colours!
Tweet/X message us if you have found a patch set in the wild at @NatureROO
Iron-on Instructions
Be vary cautious when using a hot iron
Step One
Lay the clean garment on a flat surface.